Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Piggy in the middle

OK, so I've had a few people interested in joining the team from some of the other teams I'm involved in, and I plan on starting to get commitments from some of those players.

In the meantime, I'm going to go through the players I've made thus far, explain the way I'm building them, and how that translates to what I want from that position in my team.

I'll start with my favourites, the piggies on the O-Line.

C Bentag Chunkwall
RG Benter Chunkard
LG Bentel Chunkard
ROT Bentohix Chunkwall
LOT Bentusmax Chunkwall

OK, so lets face it, piggies aren't the hardest players to build. Strength and Blocking with enough stamina, then start adding in Agility, Vision and Confidence, plus Speed to suit, and whatever SAs float your boat later on. There are still a lot of badly built O-Liners out there though.

I think the lines are the most important part of building a new team though - a good O (or D) Line can really maximise the talents of the players behind it, even if they are a few levels short of ideal.

My players aren't going to be anything special - they haven't soft built or tried any other fandangled technique to eke out a 3 pt advantage in strength at level 23. But they each ahve their role and complement each other as a unit.

These guys will be OK to use as starters I expect, and if they end up as backups I suspect we will have a truly fearsome frontline! Any other piggies I recruit I'll be trying to have in a specific role to match these guys, and two at each spot should ensure good performance and decent playing time all round.

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