Thursday, August 21, 2008

Money, money, money

OK, so I thought that now I've gone through a lot of the ideas and philosophies behind what I want for my time, its probably time to talk about one of the things most prospective recruits would be interested in - money.

I've done a fair amount of research and work trying to work out what realistic figures are for my team in order to get a solid idea on what sort of recruitment is appropriate. The results can be seen in the spreadsheets here:

Finance Spreadsheets

As you can see, the Big Prawns look to be OK for money, but thats assuming my estimates for income are OK, which is by no means a given.

My general philosophy to start with is therefore to be fairly conservative with money.

Equipment bonuses in particular are not likely to be given out early on in the season of in the offseason, as I'd like to wait for the season ticket and first few ticket sales for the games to come in before I make such commitments.

This is not to say I won't be giving out bonuses for equipment! Its in my best interest to do so after all - it helps keep agents happy, and it provides an advantage to my team on the pitch!

One thing I do promise, and is one of the benefits of having a lot of players owned by myself, is that I can definitely make sure players owned by agents are taken care of equipment wise before those players belonging to me. So even if we do have a shortfall and can't give everyone equipment, chances are it will be my players and no yours who end up lacking.

My plan is to take out a loan and build an endzone ASAP with my team. Its my understanding that any other money comes in too late to build any further pieces.

Ideally I'd be able to build more than one piece in the offseason after our first season, so that will likely be an aim financially for the season. Obviously those juicy home playoff games and playff bonuses will provide a significant incentive this way.

If you'd read this post, and are an owner with some knowledge of team finances - please feel free to leave a comment and let me know how realistic my estimating is! Information like that could prove vital.

One thing I'm unsure about for example is when tickets get sold. I'm led to believe its x number of days before any home game, but I'm not sure how many x is, and currently I have them being sold in the first 8 days, a game a day.

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