Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pass me a beer dude

OK, with the Running game taken care of, its time to look at the passing game, and the offense as a whole. My preference is for a well balanced offense, capable on the ground and in the air, so that we can gameplan based on wherever the opposition are weaker.

I am actually tempted to break my offense down with 2 co-ordinators, one for the passing game, with the QB, WRs, TE and LOT and LG, and one for the Run, with the HB, FB, TE and RG and ROT. Have them independently scout the opposition and make suggestions, then bring those together to create the actual game plan each week.

Would this have the effect of fostering a friendly competition between them, or create a bad atmosphere in the team? Not sure, but it might be worth a try. I'll guess I'll think about it once I get more of an idea who'll be on my staff.

Anyways, my current QB build, Bentius StarChunk:

Bentius StarChunk

Is currently struggling a bit. With QBs being everybodies favourite player to create, the D-Leagues are flooded with them, making it hard to get consistent playing time, even with my usual tricks. This means he is falling behind the rest of the group, and I'm not sure I'll want to use a lower level player in such a critical position, so its looking likely I'll have to recruit from the 7 trillion hopefuls out there :)

Obviously it will be a pocket passer. Throwing then Vision.

I'm not actually too fussy about what sort of passing game we employ. I actually believe a short passing game can work if you have the players for it. Of course, given we are low level, and I think an important player for the short passing game is the HB and FB, we aren't going to have the players to utilise it effectively. So the passing game will be primarily a medium/long passing game to start with.

Which bring me to the WRs. I've tried to make one a posession reciver and one a speedster, which has been an interesting experiment since I haven't mucked about with them before. I'm beginning to wish I'd made more WRs, since they would have to be one of the most demanding positions in terms of useful attributes out there, with only Tackling, Kicking and Punting being unimportant.

My Speedster WR, Bentus Chunkrel:

Bentus Chunkrel

at one stage looked like falling behind similar to my QB, but has since come on strong. I expect by next season he'll be a threat for either a TD or a drop or fumble on every play! I will be moving onto other attributes for a while after speed is soft capped though, so he won't be a super afterburner type of player.

My posession receiver, Bentos Chunkrel:


Is currently the more consistent performer of the pair, though his D-League team does seem to like working him into the ground.

The goal for the passing game initially is for it to be as reliable as possible. This basically means getting open and catching the ball. YAC are a luxury I can live without as long as the other two components are working. It may not win many Play of the Season awards, but it will hopefully win games.

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