Thursday, August 28, 2008

How do you keep your team active and lively?

One of the things I hope to do is have a very active, friendly team.

I think one of the good ways to do this is to have a good mix of veterans and newbies. I have specifically chosen some newer players, whose builds might not be quite as efficient, in the hopes they'll be able to benefit from help by the veterans.

I also hope to have people happy to provide input into the teams strategies and development.

One of the ways I intend to foster this is to startup sticky scouting topics for every game upfront, so that people can post visible builds from other teams, analyse games etc right frm the start. It takes no level of experience at all to post a visible build to the forum, so the newbies would be able to contribute.

I also hope to have a topic specifically for newbies to get build advice from the veterans.

I hope to have a topic that goes through the way I'd like to see players to take their builds for certain positions. This will be by no means mandatory - its still up to the agents to build their players how they want to, but that will represent how I'll pick the team. This will quite likely change over time as I learn more about the game myself.

Something not related to this topic as such that I eventually hope to do is have alternate, cheaper sets of equipment for each player. For example, a blocking TE might have his normal gear all set to Strength. You buy him a $61K alternate set, all put into say agility, or catching, and you can turn him into somewhat of a receiving TE in a game if you think it will give you an advantage. This of course would have to wait until the team was in pretty good shape financially!

1 comment:

Mort said...

Don't forget, you got to have cake. Cake will make everyone happy.