Sunday, September 7, 2008

Team Update

OK, it looks like we'll be losing our incumbent NT, Austin Hawk. It looks like we have a solid trade lined up though, so that should help us financially. Austins agent hawkdiddy23 has been responsive and helpful, which has made life a lot easier - I wish him the best of luck with his new team.

I also hopefully have a trade in the works for Gunther Levi, our level 23 FB. He's a solid build, but doesn't really fit what I want to do with the position, which makes him a valuable trade asset. I hope to bring in a new starting QB in return.

On the retention front, HB Tamper Proof, ROT Fatty Boy and K Lord Helmet have all decided to stay on, which is excellent news. I sent all three new contracts to change their end date to Day 40 of Season 5.

With austin leaving, I've also started to recruit NTs and DEs for next season. I have sent out a number of PMs, so hopefully there will be some movement on that front soon.

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