Thursday, October 23, 2008

Huzzah and back on the recruiting trail

Well, the Big Prawns snuck into the playoffs, and will be playing our big game tomorrow. We'll be throwing the kitchen sink at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force gameplanning wise, but it will probably not be enough.

Last season we recruited to fill out our team, and were aiming significantly lower than the top teams in the league. This season I hope to be more ambitious, and recruit higher level players. In a way, this is going to be as big of a challenge as last season, as I'm still trying to recruit players that seem far too good for my team.

Top priorites are improving our passing game. I'm already going to buffing the O-Line ina big way with the remainder of my O-Line from the Fog Devils, but we're going to need two new TEs and some beefier WRs, who are especially difficult to recruit in my experience.

Our Defence is already quite good, but I'd love to turn it into a complete weapon and really put the clamps on people. I have a lot of faith in DC bubbas' gameplanning, and with even better players, and hopefully a scout helping provide info to gameplan from, I think our D could terrorise our league next season.

I'll be clearing out all of my little guys, who performed admirably this season, preferably to the Oribi, the team I OC for who also snuck into the playoffs. Due to the Africa A games being played at midnight, I won't be OC next season, but thats not necessarily a bad thing considering how many players I may end up with on the team.

The Southern Wasters, who I also OC for, have this season been the #1 team in SE Asia AA3 Zeta Conference, a big improvement from our previous #5 seeds. Hopefully this is the season we can make it out of the first round of the playoffs in!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Been a while

Its been quite a while since I've managed to post here. GLB has been keeping me very busy, as I've been learning the ins and outs of the AI tactics.

With the Big Prawns having a brutal early schedule, we've been using them to go very hard at opposition weaknesses, as any win we could have gotten against those teams would have been gold come the end of the season. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to get any wins, but it was very educational, and once we started doing it, we gave every opponent we played a tough game.

Our defence in particular has come on strong, though is just as much through recruiting as good planning. We've had a big bopper join us at ILB, and Dan Francis has really made a big difference to our Run D, which has toughened considerably. This has allowed us to vary our gameplanning more, as previously we pretty much had to concentrat on the run and hope to contain the pass. Now we have a shot at either.

We also recruited a high level QB for this season, which should allow us to be viable going with a heavy passing offense against good teams if that seems to be the right way to go. I'd still like to see us get one higher level WR, and develop a good deep threat from our current crop - Toby Fitzgerald looks to be the most likely candidate thus far.

I still have this dread that our schedule is going to kill us though. We have one of the best teams in the West as our crossover game, so we're going to need to be ahead of our opponents in the conference games, and we're currently playing catchup.

Looking at the other Canada A league I'm in (A5), I can honestly say we would cruise into the playoffs there, whereas here we're probably going to fight tooth and nail and just miss out - Canada A6 is one very tough league - while we were recruiting level 20's to build a solid team, the top sides were recruiting level 30's to improve, so we still have a lot of catching up to do.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Established team vs new team, the big difference is time

OK, so if you've been following the blog, you know I was working towards an expansion team and received a semi-gutted squad. I thought I'd make a post about what the differences have been, to perhaps give people an idea what to expect if they do get an existing team.

The impression I had was that its so sudden. With the expansion team, I'd have know exactly when it was going to happen, and been able to make sure I was ready to go. I also had all my recruitment done well in advance.

with the existing team, I logged in and there it was! My shiny new team. There is so much information to assimilate so that you can work out what you need to do in such a short time. That chemistry grace period looks awfully short when you realise you're going to need to overturn most of your roster, and you only have $600K in the bank!

The good thing about taking on an existing team though is it has a financial history, you can see what the ticket prices are set for,, and how much that has earnt the team. You have a much more defined baseline from which to plan finances. The bad thing is the costs are more unpredictable, as you have a wider range of levels to recruit.

I know I've basically had to tell FAs when making my pitch - I'm sorry I can't afford any equipment bonuses right now, and if its a bidding war for your services I concede defeat! Not the most awe inspiring pitch ever, but I'd much rather do it that way. You know the people who decide to pursue it further are either genuinely interested, or completely oblivious! I've held pretty firm to this so far, and I think it will pay dividends.

Something else I'd suggest is don't lose heart in your recruiting. The nature of the beast is that its easier to recruit the less you need to do. Players are much more keen to join if they see you have a solid squad. If you have major recruiting needs, it will happen slowly at first, and gradually snowball as you gain momentum. Recruit a solid O-Line and all of a sudden HBs and QBs will be leaping over themselves to play for you.

Try and identify the positions that act as multipliers for other players and make them your key targets. The O-Line for those HBs and QBs for example. QBs for WRs. D-Line for LBs and DBs. Punter for the entire defence.

Its a very intense time period when you first get that team - try and make the most of it you can. In a way, I've been lucky, as with being locked out of the playoffs, it gives me a bit of time to contact a lot of people before I can actually make any moves.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I Feel Bad

I just had to explain to an agent that I'm releasing his player because his build is poor, which makes me feel like a complete prick.

Unfortunately, with the shape the team is in financially, I really need those higher levels players to be solid performers. This particular player was on the O-Line, and I have a lot of experience building piggies, so my low level backup player can probably get comparable results to the higher level player, so I can't justify keeping him.

I wish I had a much more solid team, as that would enable me to keep him as a backup, and help him fix up his build.

About all I can do is offer advice to help his build.

Anyone else out there in GLB owner land ever struggle with this, and what do you do to try and help?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

More Retention

Sam Castilla has decided to stay on with the Big Prawns!

Chemistry news

OK, given the team is locked for the playoffs, it meant that my chemistry grace period is going to expire before I get a chance to make any moves.

I sent a PM to support though, and Rick Blaine has replied swiftly and things should work out just fine. Thanks Rick!

Team Update

OK, it looks like we'll be losing our incumbent NT, Austin Hawk. It looks like we have a solid trade lined up though, so that should help us financially. Austins agent hawkdiddy23 has been responsive and helpful, which has made life a lot easier - I wish him the best of luck with his new team.

I also hopefully have a trade in the works for Gunther Levi, our level 23 FB. He's a solid build, but doesn't really fit what I want to do with the position, which makes him a valuable trade asset. I hope to bring in a new starting QB in return.

On the retention front, HB Tamper Proof, ROT Fatty Boy and K Lord Helmet have all decided to stay on, which is excellent news. I sent all three new contracts to change their end date to Day 40 of Season 5.

With austin leaving, I've also started to recruit NTs and DEs for next season. I have sent out a number of PMs, so hopefully there will be some movement on that front soon.

Lots of work done

Been going flat chat on the team basically since got it, a solid 8 hrs worth!

Our financial situation gives us very little flexibility early on, but the aid of my trusty number crunching, it looks like we should be OK next season, but its not going to be easy.

My current roster analysis is below:

QB - nick wang, Iron Bull - I definitely prefer to go with only one QB on the roster. As such, considering his contract is up halfway through season 5, I'll release Iron Bull once the season is over and I can do it. I'd prefer to bring across my own QB from another team, but I'm not sure that will be possible. If it is, I'll look to trade nick wang.

HB - Tamper Proff, Dash McGee - probably our most solid position. I'd like to retain both players, and would be looking to split time between them fairly evenly. I'd like to renegotiate Tampers contract to end on Day 40. If one of them decides they'd prefer to go somewhere (please not both!), I'll probably try and get a powerback as a change of pace, and probably more of a backup.

FB - Gunther Levi, Payne Coltrane - both these guys are setup as rushing FBs, and I prefer Blocking/Receiving FBs. I'll probably try and trade Gunther, as being higher level its harder for him to adjust his build, and he'll have a higher value on the trade market. He's a solid build, but with the teams current financial state I need the cash he'll hopefully bring in. Payne has his contract about to finish - I am open to resigning him if he doesn't mind the change in role. May only go with one FB yet.

WR - Tripp Long, Hr Shove n Stuff, Supply and Demand, adam dvorak - I like all these builds. Tripp is signed through most of next season, and if he's keen to stay on, I'd like to renegotiate an end at Day 40 contract. The rest all finish up early to mid next season, so I'd like to work something out with them fairly soon, one way or the other. Shove is currently down as inactive though, so if he stays that way for a few more days, I'll probably release him. Will recruit back up to 4 WRs as necessary. Have just recruited one of the WRs I had lined up for my expansion team - should be level 16 or 17.

TE - Nate Bouchard - seems like a solid build, and with that massive stamina might be able to play the whole game himself. Currently down as inactive though - if he's still inactive when the offseason comes round, I'll likely try and auction him off for cash. Depending on what happens with Nate, we might need 0 or 2 TEs for next season.

C - Mac Pancake, Mr Gibson - both solid builds. Both have early season 5 ending contracts. I will release Mr Gibson. Haven't decided on Mac as yet, will need to talk to steve23000. Have one of my players on as a stopgap backup atm.

LOT - Jolly Frederic's contract end day 6 next season, and I can't see his build currently. Can't really decide until I can see his build whether to keep him. Will need to recruit a replacement if not. Have one of my players in as a backup currently.

ROT - I'd like to switch Fatty Boy over to here. He has a good build, and is signed through to season 6 - I'm really hoping he'll stay on. Currently have one of my players as backup.

LG - Sports contract ends on Day 1 season 5, I'll probably release him. Have a backup in place.

RG - Cyber Kong - a nice build, but his contract is due to end. Hoping I can resign. Have a backup in place.

That wraps up the Offense.

Our defence is in a much sadder state than our offense - its going to take some work to get it to where it needs to be. Keep in mind my preference is for a 3-4 defence.

NT - Austin Hawk - looks pretty good - solid strength, though will still need to improve it a bit for the 3-4. Signed till near the end of next season, so I'd like to extend to day 40 if possible. I have a low level backup I can bring in.

DT - none in a 3-4

DE - Sack Ya Later, Barrett Mueller, Claudius Kisfaludy - none are really setup for the 3-4. Claudius and Garret are both currently inactive. All have their contracts ending in the first half of next season. Will likely release or trade them. Will need to recruit some 3-4 style DEs, and might even have to recruit DTs for the position.

OLB - Tiriq Malk, Ronan Wilson - I like both of these builds. Unfortunately, both have their contracts ending very soon. Tiriq has already stated he is going elsewhere. Hopefully Ronan is keen to stay on. If not, I have some recruiting to do. I have a pair of my players in as low level backups currently.

ILB - Stuffy McCrush, Josh Valentine - Stuffy's build looks good, and I hope he'll stay with the Prawns. I'd like to extend his deal to a day 40 finish. Josh's deal ends early next season, and I'll probably release him, so I'll need to find another starter. I have some low level backup in place. Josh is also currently inactive.

CB - Sam Castilla, Hop Skotch, Lockdown Picksix - all solid covergae corner builds. No real speedster matchup builds there. Even if we retain all three, we'll need another in the rotation. All have contracts ending soon, so hopefully we can retain some or all of them, or its going to be a lot of CB recruiting needed.

S - Jacob Kavanau, Flash De Sade - both have contracts ending early next season, and both will probably be released. Have low level backups in place.

So thats a wrap on the D.

Considering special teams currently consists of one Kicker, we might as well do that as well!

K - Lord Helmet - apart from the awesome Spaceballs reference, he's a solidly built Kicker who I'd like to retain. His contrac finishes early season 5 though, so I'd have to extend till day 40.

I've already started trying to recruit some LBs, and might hae a trade lined up for a new QB. Definitely going to be a busy offseason though!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

OK, Looks like I got a team

Its not an expansion team though, so I'm wondering how I'll go.

I dare say I won't be able to accomodate all of the players I've made arrangements with, but it will take me a bit to sort out first, so stay tuned, I will let you know ASAP.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Waiting Waiting Waiting

I hate waiting.

Not much else I can do at this point though but wait until I get my team. I'm moving in less than a fortnight, and I have this awful feeling that its about 907645% likely I'll end up having to do a bunch of stuff while my net access is limited.