Thursday, October 23, 2008

Huzzah and back on the recruiting trail

Well, the Big Prawns snuck into the playoffs, and will be playing our big game tomorrow. We'll be throwing the kitchen sink at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force gameplanning wise, but it will probably not be enough.

Last season we recruited to fill out our team, and were aiming significantly lower than the top teams in the league. This season I hope to be more ambitious, and recruit higher level players. In a way, this is going to be as big of a challenge as last season, as I'm still trying to recruit players that seem far too good for my team.

Top priorites are improving our passing game. I'm already going to buffing the O-Line ina big way with the remainder of my O-Line from the Fog Devils, but we're going to need two new TEs and some beefier WRs, who are especially difficult to recruit in my experience.

Our Defence is already quite good, but I'd love to turn it into a complete weapon and really put the clamps on people. I have a lot of faith in DC bubbas' gameplanning, and with even better players, and hopefully a scout helping provide info to gameplan from, I think our D could terrorise our league next season.

I'll be clearing out all of my little guys, who performed admirably this season, preferably to the Oribi, the team I OC for who also snuck into the playoffs. Due to the Africa A games being played at midnight, I won't be OC next season, but thats not necessarily a bad thing considering how many players I may end up with on the team.

The Southern Wasters, who I also OC for, have this season been the #1 team in SE Asia AA3 Zeta Conference, a big improvement from our previous #5 seeds. Hopefully this is the season we can make it out of the first round of the playoffs in!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Been a while

Its been quite a while since I've managed to post here. GLB has been keeping me very busy, as I've been learning the ins and outs of the AI tactics.

With the Big Prawns having a brutal early schedule, we've been using them to go very hard at opposition weaknesses, as any win we could have gotten against those teams would have been gold come the end of the season. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to get any wins, but it was very educational, and once we started doing it, we gave every opponent we played a tough game.

Our defence in particular has come on strong, though is just as much through recruiting as good planning. We've had a big bopper join us at ILB, and Dan Francis has really made a big difference to our Run D, which has toughened considerably. This has allowed us to vary our gameplanning more, as previously we pretty much had to concentrat on the run and hope to contain the pass. Now we have a shot at either.

We also recruited a high level QB for this season, which should allow us to be viable going with a heavy passing offense against good teams if that seems to be the right way to go. I'd still like to see us get one higher level WR, and develop a good deep threat from our current crop - Toby Fitzgerald looks to be the most likely candidate thus far.

I still have this dread that our schedule is going to kill us though. We have one of the best teams in the West as our crossover game, so we're going to need to be ahead of our opponents in the conference games, and we're currently playing catchup.

Looking at the other Canada A league I'm in (A5), I can honestly say we would cruise into the playoffs there, whereas here we're probably going to fight tooth and nail and just miss out - Canada A6 is one very tough league - while we were recruiting level 20's to build a solid team, the top sides were recruiting level 30's to improve, so we still have a lot of catching up to do.